Overseas Council partners with programs that value ministry training
which serves, strengthens and grows the Church.

Our values not only help us identify partners, they also provide direction for
how we partner with these seminaries, as we, together, aim to grow in these areas.

1 Missional

The mission of the Church is to serve the mission of God; the mission of theological education is to serve the mission of the Church. Programs of theological education must be of the Church, by the Church, and for the Church.

2 Biblical

Theological education and ministry training must be grounded in Scripture, reflecting our commitment to the Bible as the authority for our faith and practice. Scripture provides the foundation for how we understand and carry out our task of forming disciples and leaders.

3 Contextual

Our theological education and ministry training must be designed with deliberate reference to the contexts in which they serve. The unique context must shape the functions and the forms of training programs.

4 Transformative

We aim for theological education that is more than a transfer of knowledge. It also must form Christ-likeness in character and servanthood in leadership approach. Transformation of students, churches, and communities must be integral to the objectives and assessment of our theological education programs.

5 Integrated

We value the integration of spiritual, cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of the student’s development, the integration of learning across subject areas, and the integration of theory and practice for effectiveness in ministry.

6 Accessible

We recognize that no one school or program is called and capable of providing training for all the leadership needs of churches. However, schools must recognize the great need for training among leaders for whom present programs are not within reach and seek ways to make appropriate training accessible to them.

7 Multiplication

Our programs and practice of theological education and ministry training must intentionally incorporate models of multiplication within their pedagogy and curriculum. We value the training of Christian leaders who will be able to train others, and thus multiply the effects of learning and application in ministry.

8 Innovative

Innovation is critical not because “new is better” but because needs, opportunities, and contexts continue to change. New strategies and tactics will be essential in order to address the leadership deficit in the global Church and the current needs in the Church and community.

9 Sustainable and Resilient

To fulfill their mission over the long term, programs and their leaders need appropriate local funding and accountability as well as the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and new challenges.