
Lauralee Umphlett

Lauralee Umphlett


I will be serving in Mexico City with the Avance YearOut program. While I am there I will be serving with the local church in their worship ministry and doing some ethnomusicology work. Helping the locals learn how to write christian music in their style, language and on narrative. When people hear songs that were written in their language, they light up and are able to understand the meaning and message. I hope to help them experience the amazing God we serve through music and outreach.

I love worship ministry, kids ministry and ethnomusicology. I love helping others see what true worship is and how God has called us to it. I have a passion for the next generation, pointing them to Christ so that they can plant seeds in those they meet.

Prayer Requests:

  • That I to continue to have a Christ-centered relationship.
  • God to continue to move in Mexico.
  • God to soften their hearts and open their eyes to His Word.

Stay in Touch:
