Establishing Churches

We help Christians around the world start new churches that pour themselves out for their communities.

We long for churches that “Delight God and Surprise the world!” When God’s people love each other, worship him together, and serve the world with compassion and generosity, people notice. Lives are changed and communities are transformed.

People everywhere long for authenticity and truthful, real loving community. We think churches should be that place.

We invite you to come join us in church planting around the world. It is the best way to make disciples. It takes a pioneering spirit and a radical love for people. It takes an openness to new forms of church. And it takes a belief in our national partners.

Our way of church planting is to come alongside national church planters rather than plant churches ourselves. We love to see new churches with local leadership from the start. We need church planters that will encourage, equip, and pour out their lives for national church planters, multiplying churches through others.

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